Agent: Robert Baruch Almagià

Place and date of birth: Milano, 22.04.1977

Age Range: 32-44

Height: 1,67 (5,51ft)

Hair: brown

Eyes: brown-green

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish

Accent & Dialect: Milanese, Tuscany, Romagna, Sicilian

Base: Milan, Italy

Possible accommodation: Rome, Milan, Paris, Bruxelles


canto (singing): voice mezzo-soprano, ballo (dance), nuoto (swimming), piano, chitarra (guitar),  basso elettrico (electric bass), bongo, cajon, ukulele, equitazione (basic horse-back riding), guida (driving), capoeira

Training/Formazione Artistica:

2005/6 Scuola Teatri Possibili – Milano (recitazione, dizione, voce, scherma, canto)

2005/6 Workshop di tecniche di recitazione cinematografica (Paolo Trotti)

2005 Seminario residenziale "Verso L'Amleto" con Corrado d'Elia e Alberto Astorri

1983/1989 danza classica, danza moderna, jazz  

Altri studi: Maturità linguistica e Scienze della comunicazione

Feature Films/Cinema:

2023 Altrove (actress and musician) by Vittorio Rifranti

2022 Strange Minds (lead) directed by Stefano Poletti

2007 Tagliare le parti in grigio (lead) directed by Vittorio Rifranti (WINNER

Best First Feature Locarno’s Film Festival)


2006 La Milano dei Tartari (co-lead)directed by Thomas Otto Zinzi

2005-2006 Decoder (co-lead) by Federico Cambria

2005 Cul de sac (co-lead) by Paolo Trotti

Music and shows:

2010/2019 Musician, three records released and published by Discipline Records and Parole & Dintorni

2010/2015 Tour dates in all the country and tv appearances

2010/2015  Participation in the records: Cesare Basile ne “Il paese è reale” di Afterhours, Mellon Collie And The Infinite Power (42Records), Cesare Basile nell’album “Storia di Caino”

Opening act for: Niccolò Fabi, Max Gazzé, Cristina Donà

2012/2020 Café Bandini Show – Monthly events of music, poetry and theatre in Milan


2014 Olia Garnier (on line)

2006 Sky Mondiali (tv)

2007 Golf (tv, cinema)

2002 Nissan (tv, cinema)

2001 Benelli Motors (tv, cinema)

Voice over and audio:

2014 Lifegate Radio – Ezio Guaitamacchi, Leonard Cohen Tribute

2013 Lifegate Radio – Ezio Guaitamacchi, The history of Rolling Stones

2013 Lifegate Radio – Ezio Guaitamacchi, Amy (Winehouse)

2012 Voice over Meetic (tv)

Music Video:

2009 Fabrizio Coppola – La stupidità

2004 Bonjour - Solidamor

2001 Bambole – Negrita

1999 La Crus – Un giorno in più

Movie Soundtrack:

2023 Altrove (actress and musician) by Vittorio Rifranti

2007 Tagliare le parti in grigio (lead) directed by Vittorio Rifranti